Euro2016 | Illustrated Gifs
A celebration of Euro2016’s best in football
and a love of football jerseys, gifs and hashtags.
A celebration of Euro2016’s best in football
and a love of football jerseys, gifs and hashtags.
In celebration of Europe's festival of football I combined my love and excitement of football jerseys, gifs and fan hashtags.
I was thinking about designer's emerging roll of capturing a shared moment through a symbol or icon. These nationally inspired icons have come to define moments of tragedy, grieving or even hope. They are powerful, simple and resonate on social media.
Jean Jullien's peace icon for Paris is great example of this work.
In this case, I wanted to tap into those forces in celebration of the UEFA Euro 2016 hosted by France this summer. Each painting is inspired by the 2016 on-field jersey design surrounded by the club's rich heritage and crest design. The hashtags where determined by the official club account or the @Euro2016 account, translations by Google Translate. The following the result of this experiment.
Maureen is a CLIO award winning designer and digital content producer. Maureen has design and branding background in developing sports and event identities for the National Football League, MLB and the NHL. Her digital content has received international exposure and has been featured on the Guardian, Brand New, HOW Design, People Magazine, the Smithsonian Channel, BuzzFeed and CNN.